

语言学论丛(第二十一辑) 语言学论丛



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绍兴方言中表处所的助词“东*”、“带*”、“亨*”          王福堂
连城方言的动词重叠                               项梦冰
宁夏中宁方言“-子”的语法功能和特殊变调                 李 倩
北京话中的“耳朵”                               颜庆胜
《新华字典》实词释义研究                            万艺玲

上古、中古汉语量词的历史发展                        [法]贝罗贝
语词札记十则                                  孙玉文
从《史记》、《金瓶梅》等看汉语“观看”语义场的历史演变   呂东兰
南宋已“平分阴阳”补证                             李无未
元曲假借字的音韵研究                              宋 蘅

百年来汉藏语系谱系研究的理论进展                        陈保亚
汉字形音义的广义语言学解析                           沈 炯


Locative particles 东, 带 and 亨 in Shaoxing dialect     Wang Futang
Verb reduplication in Liancheng dialect               Xiang Mengbing
Grammatical functions of -子 Zhongning dialect
and its special tone sandi                                  Li Qian
"耳朵"in Beijing dialect                               Yan Qingsheng
Studies on the interpretation of full words
in Xin Hua Dictionary                                     Wan Yiling
Historical evolution of classifiers in ancient Chinese    A.Peyraube
Ten notes on words and expressions                         Sun Yuwen
Historical evolution of the Chinese semantic field"look"
as seen from 史记, 金瓶梅,and other works                 Lu Donglan
Supplement to the assertion that the split of even tone
into yin and yang had been completed in
Southern Song Dynasty                                       Li wuwei
Phonological studies on phonetic loan character used
in 元曲                                                    Song Heng
Theoretical developments in the study of Sino-Tibetan
genealogy during the past hundred years                   Chen Baoya
A broad linguistic analysis about the shape, pronunciation,
and meaning of Chinese character                          Shen Jiong
1957年创刊,自1980年9月第6辑起,在威尼斯欢乐娱人棋牌出版至今。2002年起,《论丛》由北京大学汉语语言学研究中心主办,每年两辑,每辑约30万字,出版一年后在“北大学术期刊网”上以同名电子期刊发表部分信息。之前《论丛》由北京大学中文系主办,不定期出版。2002年《语言学论丛》入选欧洲人文科学标准委员会的“世界语言学刊物名录”(共85种,中文刊物3种)。CSSCI来源辑刊。 《语言学论丛》为面向国内外的汉语语言学论文集,主编林焘(34辑前),陆俭明(35辑起)。宗旨是立足汉语研究,坚持汉语研究与理论探索相结合、汉语本体研究与应用研究相结合、汉语的共时研究与历时研究相结合、标准语研究与方言研究相结合;借鉴国外语言学理论和最新研究成果,推进汉语语言学的发展。 内容分语言学理论、汉语史、现代汉语、汉语方言或语音、语法、词汇、文字等方面,除学术论文外也发表少量书评或译文。实行双向匿名审稿制。3000字以上的论文要求有中英文摘要和关键词。